Enfuse support in Rawstudio

I’ve been working on Enfuse support in Rawstudio for quite a while and now it’s ready for some testing :D

It was added to trunk yesterday and packages are ready in our Launchpad PPA for Ubuntu.

A quick guide:

  1. Select photo(s) and press ctrl-alt-e (or find Enfuse in Photo menu).
  2. Adjust settings and update thumbnail by clicking on it .
  3. When you are happy with the thumbnail, click “Execute” and wait for the finished result to be opened.

Some notes:

Well, go ahead and give it a try – I’d like to get some comments on it (here or at http://bugzilla.rawstudio.org/)


I’ve made a few screen captures of it in use. This is the speed I have on my relatively slow laptop. Check them out below…


Multiple photos with camera mounted on a tripod:


Multiple photos with handheld camera (aligning required)


Single photo:

Comments (10)

10 responses to “Enfuse support in Rawstudio”

  1. OASYS Hsu says:

    Good job!

    This is what I’m dreaming about for RawStudio. Is it possible to implement tone mapping in the future?



    • akv says:

      It’s not planned to include tone mapping. Enfuse was easy, I think tone mapping is a whole other matter – at least I have no idea how to do it. But you are welcome to submit it as a feature request in the bugzilla along with some suggestions :)

  2. dhor says:

    Finally a sign of life :)

    Enfuse feature is a great addition to Rawstudio.

    However, it works a little bit random so far. Selecting photo/s, setting parameteres, thumbnail – that work almost flawless. But after ‘Execute’ progress bar sometimes stops at 1/5. In terminal I can see, that process ‘enfuse’ (enfuse-mp) doesn’t show up.

    And the strangest part – ‘sometimes’ means sometimes – the same photo sometimes enfuses fine, sometimes not (with the same params). Maybe it’s stupid, but I’ve feeling, enfuse called from menu is more stable than by ctl+alt+e.

    • akv says:

      Interesting! I haven’t seen it hanging at least once while working on it (way too long).

      The command for enfusing the thumbnail is exactly the same, except it works with 8 bit and is exported with quick filters. Does it ever fail?

      Menu or shortcut is the same as far as I know, otherwise it’s some odd GTK thing.

      Okay, to the attempt of finding out something about this. Can you check in /tmp/ after a hang – there should be exports in .rawstudio*.png and check the files (open with GIMP or whatever). Does the terminal show the filenames with a number between 0 and 255 behind?

  3. dhor says:

    I was able to hang up enfuse in two ways. Thumbnails creation always run fine, but then:

    1. There’s no any progress in the progress window (blank), /tmp is emtpy, text output shows only log from generating thumbnails:

    enfuse: warning: will use 300 dpi
    enfuse: info: loading next image: /tmp/.rawstudio-enfuse-0.png 1/1
    enfuse: info: loading next image: /tmp/.rawstudio-enfuse-1_-0.5.png 1/1
    enfuse: info: loading next image: /tmp/.rawstudio-enfuse-2_0.5.png 1/1
    command: mv /tmp/.rawstudio-temp.png /home/dane/DSC_6783_02.rse
    Total execution time: 4.95

    2. Progress bar stops at 1/5, text output shows a little more, in /tmp there are png files (so many as should):

    enfuse: warning: will use 300 dpi
    enfuse: info: loading next image: /tmp/.rawstudio-enfuse-0.png 1/1
    enfuse: info: loading next image: /tmp/.rawstudio-enfuse-1_-0.5.png 1/1
    enfuse: info: loading next image: /tmp/.rawstudio-enfuse-2_-1.0.png 1/1
    enfuse: info: loading next image: /tmp/.rawstudio-enfuse-3_0.5.png 1/1
    enfuse: info: loading next image: /tmp/.rawstudio-enfuse-4_1.0.png 1/1
    command: mv /tmp/.rawstudio-temp.png /home/dane/DSC_6783_02.rse
    Total execution time: 0.89
    /home/dane/DSC_6783.NEF: 136
    /home/dane/DSC_6783.NEF: 119
    /home/dane/DSC_6783.NEF: 155

  4. Svantei says:

    Hi! I really like the implementation of enfuse in rawstudio and for me it works well with my Sony a900. It does however not work with my Nex-7-files, I think it is because I cannot add a colour profile to it (but the colours are correct and normal processing works fine). I do not even get a thumbnail when using enfuse. Is there a workaround?

  5. Hans de Jong says:

    I try to compile on OpenSuse 12.3 and I get the error:

    application.o: In function `main’:
    /home/hans/SOURCES/rawstudio-2.0RC2/src/application.c:707: undefined reference to `g_thread_init’

    Any idea’s?

  6. Mihai says:

    Hi! great to see that Enfuse is supported in Rawstudio. But enfuse as another use joining multiple images with different focus point to get a greater depth of field, is this possible in Rawstudio?

    • akv says:

      I did some experiments and it is possible, but you will need to tweak a lot of options that varies for each set of images captured – so it cannot be done as simple as this. It exists in the code, but is disabled because I wasn’t able to make an UI for it…

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Anders Kvist on May 9, 2013

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